Writing & Photography
Tyler Enfield
Author Presentations
Making Literature Fun

As an author, I love creating fun and
educational events for students and
teachers alike. Whether sharing with
Division I-IV, or teachers on a PD day,
every presentation is designed to spark
creativity in students, while offering
practical tips for writers of all ages. To
date, I've visited more than 500 schools,
and met with over 80,000 students across
North America. Below you'll find two
examples of author presentations I offer
in schools, though I can design new ones to suit your particular needs.

Wrush Presentation
Level: Grades 1-6
Length: 35 minutes
Audience Size: No max
Based on the award-winning children's novel series, Wrush is the story of Tabetha Bright, an eight-year-old girl in a wheelchair who uses creativity to overcome obstacles. The same principles of creativity are the focus of the presentation, which is designed to engage, inspire, and inform.
The presentation includes a reading from my novel series, anecdotes, informative games, and even a demonstration of the didgeridoo.
Regular Speaking Engagements:
-Greater Edmonton Teachers Conference
-Central Alberta Teachers Conference
-Palliser Teachers Conference
-Peace River Teachers Conference
-Red Deer Young Writers Conference
-Sherwood Park Young Authors Conference
-Edmonton Children's Literature Roundtable
“Career Pathways:
So You Want To Be A Writer?”
Level: HIgh School
Length: 35 minutes
Audience Size: No max
This interactive slide-show presentation takes a comic look at the hard-boiled realities of the writer’s life. We discuss the art of rejection, publication, and developing a career. We look at career options available to budding writers, along with memorable anecdotes, cautionary tales, and a reading from my new teen novel, Madder Carmine. The presentation finishes up with a Q&A period, and an author book signing.
This is a highly interactive, engaging, and visually stimulating presentation designed to give students a clear understanding of the facts and fiction surrounding this exciting career.