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                                      Invisible World


                        Invisible World takes place in Cambodia, 1994,

                        toward the end of their civil war. It tells the story of a

                        child who drowns, and is later revived on the docks

                        of a floating village, as recounted from three

                        different perspectives.


The story was inspired by my experiences working as an English teacher in Pnom Penh at that time, and eventually found its way to the NFB, where producer Bonnie Thompson helmed its transformation into a 22-minute, multi award-winning, interactive film.


Invisible World was co-created with multi-media artist Galen Scorer, who edited the film and also designed its interactive framework. The film was shot on location over a three-week period in 2013. Invisible World was co-written with Giller Prize winning novelist Madeliene Thien (she does an exceptional job as narrator as well). The film was co-produced by the National Film Board of Canada and Mehta House in Pnom Penh. Many other fantastic, creative individuals had a hand in Invisible World's creation, and each of them deserves a peek in the credits.


Below is the link. I hope you enjoy.







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